Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm from LA

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Just got the photos back from the "Hellcat" Acoustic shoot…our friend (and ghetto booty dance partner) Lindsay Hutchens shot us with these amazing guitars the guys at fender sent our way (thanks Michael!) They have little Hellcat inlays….so cool…its also an electric acoustic with a tuner built in…very cool….no seriously I’m not getting paid to say this! It’s an amazing feeling guitar…the cutaway space is perfect and there’s good tone…I own three acoustics and I’m really bad at breaking new things in, but this one was easy....cheers to FENDER/GRETSCH for not just giving equipment to super rich musicians who can afford it...they love the underdog!….Suz and I do admittedly feel a little gay when writing together now that we are both jamming on the Hellcats, but we aren't complaining if we get a sick record out of it….so enjoy the photos!

On top of the usual rock n' roll duties (we had practice AND sorted out some NEW MERCH!) I auditioned for a VJ spot….hopefully I get it! It’s with an internet station I know already and I've been dying to put all those years of being a child actor/John Robert Powers modeling classes to use! I coulda gone far had punk rock not gotten ahold of me..ha ha….kidding! NO REGRETS! I love the person I’ve grown into and the fact that I helped shaped this band into a band that I think raises the girl band standard! Plus I wouldn't trade all the fun I have with my bandmates for the world! Wish me luck…hope to get it cause it’s right up my fucking alley and I get to do a little bit of shit talking (my favorite!) I'll keep you posted!

While I’m getting personal I want to share something serious….I am listening to Go Betty Go (gulp)….not only am I listening to it, but I actually called Jon over at Side One Dummy Records and asked him to get me a copy of “Nothing is More”…..I lost mine a zillion years ago and for some fucking reason I had that song “I’m from LA” stuck in my head this morning! I think I was so blinded by hate originally that I didn’t realize what a great fucking record this is, most of the songs at least….I’m not into the crossover song, or the pirate/flogging molly-esque one…..other than that it’s pretty sick….I remember a million years ago when we played with them at this little bar in Whittier…there were a total of like 5 people there for both bands….I can remember the singer dancing while they played….I was like “holy shit maybe I should give up the guitar and dance?!” then it was like, uh NAW! Ha ha…..point of the story being I watched a great band get big and then fade what seemed like really fast….they had a huge following, but the deal breaker was when their singer (the drummers sister) left the band….what a shock that it happened right when the record came out!!!!!! I went on to hit up Aixa (who KILLS it on drums) to join us for a tribute show/song at one point and she was super cool all the way around, but it just didn’t work out…I heard their new singer was on American Idol or something crazy….ok ok….I really shouldn’t know THIS much, but I always felt like they were the OTHER girl band in LA I respected….this is starting to sound like an obituary huh? ANYWAY! Go pic up the record “Nothing is More” from a legit record store (not Ameoba….only I can buy resale recs there….that’s a WHOLE other topic ha ha) and help Jon get his end of the year bonus! (ps. while you are there pick up the new warped comp we are on!)

Tracks I recommend:
“I’m from LA”
“Get Out”

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