Monday, June 1, 2009

What happens in Vegas....stays in Vegas

The girls and I took a much needed vegas vacation....or rather less than 24 hours of super party time over the weekend....We drove out to hang out with our friends in the Street Dogs and catch up with Alkaline Trio...aka the luck would have it the Offspring was playing too....I got some serious shit all night from knowing the words to all the songs (not that I was singing along or anything! whooo AMERICANA!) Everyone knows I have notoriously bad taste in music....ok, maybe not ALL the time.... I'm always pushing for an all rock of the 90's station....ha ha....everclear? bush garbage????!!!! love it!

So after a little last minute YARDSALE-ing, I headed out there with Rox and Suzi (Jacq would drive in even later than us!)...drinks started flowing immediately after arrival as we wasted no time getting the preparty-in-a-can started...i promptly lost $20 on the game I thought was my friend (Roulette)....The show was at the Palms, which is always nice, but attracts some of the lamest people EVER! Ran into Rusty (super NOT lame and of H20 n' Pnut jewelry fame) We were lucky to be wearing his goods we scored on the H20/Dropkick tour!!!! Go check out his shit, it's amazing and super quality! www.


We hit the show was a lot of fun (duh!) then we headed off to "wasted space" (the club I love to hate) at the Hardrock Cafe to watch our friend Todd Morse play a set with his band Petty Cash! Not only are Todd and his brother Tobe (H20 as well) the coolest sibling team since Suzi and I (aka the Carmichael sisters) but I'm also floored by the fact that todd is friends with my favorite female artist, PINK! I can't even begin to describe how much I love Petty Cash as a band...i think it has something to do with the fact that when you are drunk Tom Petty just feels like home...and who doesn't love the man in Black??? And I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I got my first taste of metal school....wrong! Ironic that Petty Cash actually plays downstairs at the Key Club in hollywood WHILE metalschool plays (oh sorry, STEEL PANTHER)....It was cool to see people we know and love in the city of sin....

I'm gunna be completely honest with you here and tell you that this is where my night ends, as I, uh can't really remember any more of it! Mission Accomplished!

"Welcome to the Vegas, we got fun and games"


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  1. It's awesome see you in the blogspot, Liza!
    Civet rocks!

  2. Sounds like a fucking blast! And I'm into the 90s alt rock too like Everclear. Hey whatever speaks to you, man! Jealous of you hanging out with the Trio, those boys are some of my hometown heroes, man! And PINK! Love her. Petty Cash sounds fab too. Man, I need to get back to Vegas sometime soon. I need one of those kind of holidays! And welcome to blogspot, I like it way better than myspace myself.

  3. Yeah Steph! It totally was! I have til the end of the month on that write up book tour for you right? xo

  4. Thanks Nina ;) I get into a lot of trouble...i think it will be cool to share that with our fans....

  5. Hey! The Offspring is awesome, don't be embarrassed to like them. Haha, well...they're ok. They had some sick CDs back in the 90's.

    I just saw those three bands in Iowa. (I'm from massachusetts, Iowa is a long way away, I know.) It was awesome. Street Dogs are amazing. I probably should have gone to vegas..

  6. Hey Liza, Yeah til the end of the month! I'll send ya a little reminder when it gets closer!
